Minutes of the Committee Meeting of the
Albrighton & District Civic Society
held at 31/32 High St, Albrighton,
on Monday 6th June 2016 at 2pm

Present :       
Peter Woodman - Chairman
Rod Smith – Secretary
John Bulmer
Bob Hickson
Peter Illes
Ron Kidson
David Beechey (ex-officio representing Donington with Boscobel PC)

1. Apologies received from David Thomas, Mike Pitchford and Peter Leigh. Michael Ward (ex-officio representing Albrighton PC) did not attend.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 9th May 2016 were approved.

3. Treasurer’s Report.– MP had provided a written report. Bank balance at 27th May 2016 was £1965.73.

4. To consider progress in regard to following main issues

a) Entrances Scheme. JB asked that working party volunteers meet at 8am next Saturday Patshull Rd/A464.

b) Eyesores. BH reported.  ACTION: PW would ask Michael Ward to bring to the PC the matter of the maintenance of the benches
ACTION BH: will send the updated list of items to Stephen Brown (SC).
Potholes in the parking frontage of TSB Bank – Alb PC have asked PW to research the ownership of that land (is it the Bank’s or part of the village green?).
[Post Meeting Note: Part of the area has been given a tarmac surface, presumably by the Bank, but due to poor levels it has created large puddles which Bank customers have to walk through or round]

c) Future of the Swimming Pool. PW reported that Chris Edwards (SC) had prepared two proposals:-
Option 1. Community Asset Transfer
Option 2. Direct Transfer to Alb PC – on a long lease.
PW felt that Alb PC now needed to make a statement of intent and will suggest this to the PC.
RS felt that whatever the method used, the pool needs to be in Albrighton hands and not the County.

d) Station Pedestrian Ramp. RS, Secretary Ramp Team, reported that we are still waiting for the risk assessment arranged by Chris Edwards and Michael Ward. PW reported that Adam Checkley of NR has said they may consider a long lease rather than a sale.

e) The two bird feeders which the Society had donated for the library garden had been well received by Margaret Leach and library visitors

5. Matters Arising
a) Front Garden/Window Box/Hanging Basket Competition – JB said judging would be on 21st June.

b) RS reported that Shaun Meredith-Jones, our webmaster, had been asked by Shropshire Seniors Group to host their page on the ADCS website and he has now set this up.
The Committee instructed that the minutes should record the Committee’s thanks for all the work he carries out in maintaining the website on behalf of the Society and the wider community.

 c) RS brought attention to the email received stating that a traffic survey is to be carried out in Shifnal. We had asked for a Comprehensive Review of all Traffic Matters to be carried out in our district by SC but this had not been accepted as an item for the Village Plan. PI had spoken to some members of the Shifnal Forward group but it appeared that it may not be carrying on in the same way and its future was not clear.
ACTION: PW will contact Shifnal (Civic) Society to propose that a liaison meeting is held with their officers (ADCS to be represented by PW, RS, MP and PI).

d) PI reported that while he understood that all bus shelters are the responsibility of SC, Marston’s Brewery had repaired the roof of the shelter on the High St adjacent to the Crown Pub. Marstons are to be congratulated and thanked for carrying out this work.

e) Parking at the Station. JB suggested that a survey of four potential parking sites should be made to identify a suitable area for additional parking:-
Station Yard, the Perkins triangle of land, Hartwood’s Yard and Phase 2 of the Development behind Shaw Lane.
PW and RS have already asked to meet Boningale Homes to understand the situation concerning the apparent removal of that part of Phase 2 which included the proposed additional station parking. We are waiting for them to agree a date.

6. Any Other Business
a) Fayre Day 9th July. No one other than RS and MP was available to man the stall.
JB kindly offered to supply plants for us to sell – this was gratefully accepted and our thanks go to John.
ACTION: PW will organise the judging of the School Awards Competition and will advise names of winners asap for RS to make the Certificates which will be presented at the stall on Fayre Day. PW to have the Cup and Shield engraved with the winner’s names..


Next  meeting: 2pm. Monday 4th July at 31/32 High St. (Peter Woodman’s house).

Following Meeting will be at 2pm on Monday 1st August 2016.
(Committee Meetings are usually held on the first Monday each month)

All future AGMs are on the second Monday of October
Public Meeting & AGM is at 7.00pm on Monday 10th October 2016